
Gustavo from Paraguay: Car repairs garage
Gustavo Ibarra arrived in Slovakia upon invitation of Slovak entrepreneurs. They invited Gustavo in order to help them set up a sweet potatoes farm in Slovakia.
As Mr. Ibarra did not manage to obtain the necessary permit, he decided to return home. In Slovakia, in cooperation with IOM, he elaborated a reintegration plan based on setting up of a car repairs garage and pneu-service. IOM mission in Asuncion, Paraguay, assisted the returnee with implementation of his plan and contributed to purchase of electric welder, compressor, hydraulic jack, carbon cutter, tires, tire rims and other equipment. According to monitoring report the average income from Gustavo’s garage is 340 USD and enables Gustavo to support his partner and their little daughter.
(Names of the persons have been published with their consent. / Names of the persons have been altered to protect their identity.)
More information on IOM assistance to migrants during and after their return home from Slovakia: www.avr.iom.sk.