
pomoc migrantom po návrate domov Vitalie z Moldavska

Vitalie from Moldova: They should help everyone

Mr Vitalie came to work in Slovakia from south-eastern Moldova, belonging to one of the industrially least developed and poorest countries in Europe. He lived in Slovakia without a residence permit for two months, could not find work and decided to return home, which IOM helped him with. After returning, IOM provided him with financial support thanks to which he could expand the family farm to growing fruit tree seedlings. He sells seedlings of cherry, pear and apple trees on the market in Kišiňov.

“I am satisfied with the provided assistance and do not want to return abroad,” says Vitalie.

Watch the video of Vitalie’s return and IOM assistance (a film from the series Migrants’ Stories after Returning Home):

(Names of the persons have been published with their consent. / Names of the persons have been altered to protect their identity.)

Other true stories of migrants returning home from Slovakia with the help of IOM within the Assisted Voluntary Returns and Reintegrations Programme may be found on the website www.avr.iom.sk.


Alexander from Moldova: Assistance with renovating a welding workshop

Alexander lived in Moldova – in the Transnistria region. He went abroad and worked as a welder, mechanic and builder in different countries in Europe

Alexandra from Moldova: Thanks to IOM, I have a place to live

Mrs Alexandra comes from Moldova, one of the poorest countries in Europe. She came to Slovakia to earn money and pay off her debts.

George from Moldova: Delivery and sale of fruits and vegetables

George Racila comes from Moldova, one of the poorest countries in Europe. Due to bad economic situation, George decided to leave Moldova and search for a job in Europe.