
George from Moldova: Delivery and sale of fruits and vegetables
George Racila comes from Moldova, one of the poorest countries in Europe. Due to bad economic situation, George decided to leave Moldova and search for a job in Europe.
He arrived in Slovakia in May 2009 where he was detained by the alien police on the grounds of missing residence permit. George, then 19 years old, decided to make use of the assistance offered by IOM International Organisation for Migration and return home within the framework of the AVRR programme. George was also offered assistance with reintegration after his return to Moldova. He accepted this offer and under the assistance of IOM he elaborated a reintegration scheme – a business plan – based on delivery and sale of fruits and vegetables at the market place in Chisinau. As a part of implementation of returnee‘s reintegration scheme, IOM purchased second hand vehicle Volkswagen Caddy and fruits and vegetables necessary for sale. George’s brother is also helping him with sales. Thanks to reintegration assistance, George is able to support not only himself but also his siblings and his parents.
(Names of the persons have been published with their consent. / Names of the persons have been altered to protect their identity.)
You may read more about the assistance provided by IOM to migrants after returning home on the website of the Assisted Voluntary Returns and Reintegrations Programme.