
reintegračná pomoc po návrate domov Gruzínsko

Emre from Georgia: Thanks to a good idea I got a job, I don’t need to look for it abroad

Emre from Georgia obtained a scholarship at a university in Bratislava in 2015. However, the scholarship and even having occasional part-time jobs could not cover his life expenses. This complicated life situation was resolved by his parents, who decided to sell their car. Due to the language barrier, Emre could not continue with his studies. Ending his studies also led to termination of his residence permit in Slovakia and he found himself without sufficient financial means. He turned to IOM which helped with his return and offered reintegration assistance back home in Georgia.

Emre decided to use the support for purchasing a car and expanding services of a hostel in Kutaisi, ran by his parents. Realising a big potential in providing services for tourists, he started using the car not only for airport transfers, but also for sightseeing trips around town. With the help of IOM, Emre thus managed to gain a stable income.

Emre from Georgia: Thanks to a good idea I got a job, I don’t need to look for it abroad

“I don’t need to think about traveling abroad to look for a better job anymore. At home, I have a job I enjoy and the entire family lives from it,” says Emre.

He is thinking how to best utilise the purchased car and is considering organising trips for bigger tourist groups across Georgia.

More information on IOM assistance to migrants during and after their return home from Slovakia: www.avr.iom.sk.

(Names of the persons have been published with their consent. / Names of the persons have been altered to protect their identity.)



Shota from Georgia: We seized the opportunity that has fully changed our lives

Shota also decided to look for a better paid job abroad and make money for his growing family. He was promised a job at a car factory, so he did not hesitate and arrived in Slovakia.