
Ahmad from Afghanistan: I worked in a shoe shop already in high school

Mr Ahmad Abassi started high school as an adolescent. He was trying to earn money for his studies working part-time in a shoe shop. However, his income was not sufficient and his family could not afford to finance his education.

Ahmad left Afghanistan and applied for asylum in Slovakia. As his application was not successful, he decided to return back to Afghanistan. After returning home, he obtained IOM support thanks to which he purchased goods and partnered with the shoe shop owner.

Ahmad earned a share in the shop profits where he works and is utilising his high school working experience.

“I am satisfied. With the support of IOM, I gained income and not only I make a living from the earned money, but I also support my father,” says Ahmad.

More information on IOM assistance to migrants during and after their return home from Slovakia: www.avr.iom.sk.

(Names of the persons have been published with their consent. / Names of the persons have been altered to protect their identity.)


Faisal from Afghanistan: I am satisfied, I have a job in grocery store and stable income.

Faisal fled Afghanistan when he was 14 years old. His family faced threats and decided to send their son to a safe place, hoping for his better life in Europe.