
pomoc IOM po návrate domov Moldavsko rekonštrukcia domu

Alexandra from Moldova: Thanks to IOM, I have a place to live

Mrs Alexandra comes from Moldova, one of the poorest countries in Europe. She came to Slovakia to earn money and pay off her debts. “I lived in Slovakia illegally for 13 years, worked as a cleaner and paid off all debts I had in Moldova,” says Alexandra.

At the beginning of 2012, she was detained by the Foreign Police and was at risk of deportation back to Moldova. In this situation, she asked IOM for help and returned home through the Assisted Voluntary Returns and Reintegrations Programme.

“At first, I did not believe it, but I had nothing to lose…,”

Alexandra admits her initial distrust. After the return, organized free of charge by IOM, her doubts disappeared.

IOM assistance continued even after her return to Moldova, where a destroyed and uninhabitable parents’ house awaited her: “I had nothing, everything was demolished and in catastrophic state. IOM arranged the purchase of construction material and I repaired everything. IOM entirely changed my life in Moldova, thanks to them I have a place to live.”

Watch the video of this woman’s story and IOM assistance:

(Names of the persons have been published with their consent. / Names of the persons have been altered to protect their identity.)

More information on IOM assistance to migrants during and after their return home from Slovakia: www.avr.iom.sk.


Vitalie from Moldova: They should help everyone

Mr Vitalie came to work in Slovakia from south-eastern Moldova, belonging to one of the industrially least developed and poorest countries in Europe.

Alexander from Moldova: Assistance with renovating a welding workshop

Alexander lived in Moldova – in the Transnistria region. He went abroad and worked as a welder, mechanic and builder in different countries in Europe

George from Moldova: Delivery and sale of fruits and vegetables

George Racila comes from Moldova, one of the poorest countries in Europe. Due to bad economic situation, George decided to leave Moldova and search for a job in Europe.